Autumn Term in Reception

Autumn Term

Autumn & The Gruffalo gruffalo

Autumn Term 1– 2020

elmer ourselveselmer

-Do You Want to be Friends?

This half term we are learning about ourselves, the five senses and Elmer.

We have been learning about the different parts of the body and we did this in a very fun way. Our teachers chose two of our friends to lay on large sheets of paper and we drew around them. You can see them on our display wall in the Doctors Role Play area. Also, we have been discussing how important it is to keep healthy by washing our hands properly and brushing our teeth.

It has been lovely to listen to different Elmer stories written by David McKee, as well as talking about different patterns and colours. We have been very busy making Elmer puppets, designing biscuits to decorate for our  parade and writing Elmer speech bubbles using our phonic knowledge




















Autumn Term 1– 2019

elmer ourselveselmer

-Do You Want to be Friends?

This half term we are learning about ourselves, the five senses and Elmer.

We have been learning about the different parts of the body and we did this in a very fun way. Our teachers chose two of our friends to lay on large sheets of paper and we drew around them. You can see them on our display wall in the Doctors Role Play area. Also, we have been discussing how important it is to keep healthy by washing our hands properly and brushing our teeth.

It has been lovely to listen to different Elmer stories written by David McKee, as well as talking about different patterns and colours. We have been very busy making Elmer puppets, designing biscuits to decorate for our  parade and writing Elmer speech bubbles using our phonic knowledge.



Autumn Term 2- 2019

autumnAutumn & The Gruffalo gruffalo

-Why do Squirrels hide their nuts?







It has been several weeks since beginning the new school year.

We have been very busy settling into Reception by exploring the areas, learning the routines and getting to know our new teachers.

Autumn Term 1– 2019

elmer ourselveselmer

-Do You Want to be Friends?

This half term we are learning about ourselves, the five senses and Elmer.

We have been learning about the different parts of the body and we did this in a very fun way. Our teachers chose two of our friends to lay on large sheets of paper and we drew around them. You can see them on our display wall in the Doctors Role Play area. Also, we have been discussing how important it is to keep healthy by washing our hands properly and brushing our teeth.

It has been lovely to listen to different Elmer stories written by David McKee, as well as talking about different patterns and colours. We have been very busy making Elmer puppets, designing biscuits to decorate for our  parade and writing Elmer speech bubbles using our phonic knowledge.








It has been several weeks since beginning the new school year.

We have been very busy settling into Reception by exploring the areas, learning the routines and getting to know our new teachers.

Autumn Term 1– 2018

elmer ourselveselmer

-Do You Want to be Friends?

This half term we are learning about ourselves, the five senses and Elmer.

We have been learning about the different parts of the body and we did this in a very fun way. Our teachers chose two of our friends to lay on large sheets of paper and we drew around them. You can see them on our display wall in the Doctors Role Play area. Also, we have been discussing how important it is to keep healthy by washing our hands properly and brushing our teeth.

It has been lovely to listen to different Elmer stories written by David McKee, as well as talking about different patterns and colours. We have been very busy making Elmer puppets, designing biscuits to decorate for our upcoming parade and writing Elmer speech bubbles using our phonic knowledge.

In Maths, we have been working on our 2D shape knowledge by naming and describing their properties. Our teachers sent us on a shape hunt around the classroom to find circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, pentagons and hexagons. It was lots of fun!

In Reception, we are learning to write our letters in pre-cursive and we are excited about this challenge. There are super rhymes to help us remember to start from the line and write our letters correctly. In Phonics, we have been learning to recognise our letters and sounds (s a t p i n). Afterwards, we have really enjoyed practising to write these letters in lots of different ways. For example, using sequins, sand, bingo dabbers and play dough to carefully trace around the letters.

Did you know we can take our learning into the Outdoor Areas?

We have been working on our balancing skills using different equipment, enjoyed investigating our mini-beast habitat and mud kitchen, as well as building with large construction materials. Also, we have spent time playing on the big yard, as we get to use the bikes, trikes and scooters.

517dobkmgvl-_sx395_bo1204203200_ What’s In a Sound?   children-playing-musical-instruments-vector-clipart-free-clip

Also this half term, we are learning about sounds, musical instruments and the story ‘Peace at Last’.

Autumn Term 2- 2018

autumnAutumn & The Gruffalo gruffalo

-Why do Squirrels hide their nuts?

Our new topic is all about observing the seasonal changes during autumn and winter, The Gruffalo and celebrating Bonfire Night and Christmas (please see our other Reception pages).

Our new topic began outside, looking for signs of autumn and carrying out different activities. It was interesting to see that the leaves have changed colour, from green to orange, yellow, red and brown! We have also noticed the change in temperature, as it is often chilly and we need our coats zipped up. Our teachers asked us to collect leaves, twigs and other natural objects and we cannot wait to find out why!

This term has continued to be a very exciting time, as we have used the natural objects that we have found outside to create Autumn hedgehogs and make many more Autumn sculptures. Outside, we have liked using the ‘I spy’ prompt cards to look for signs of Autumn around us. In the small world area, we now have a dinosaur world where we can use our imagination and learn to name different types of dinosaurs.

The weather has changed this half term and it is now getting colder and it often rains. Miss Bennett and Miss Turnbull thought it would be a lovely idea to make our own vegetable soup. We were able to help chop the vegetables before they were cooked and the stock was added, then the mixture was blended before we got to taste it. The soup was delicious.

On the 5th of November, we celebrated Bonfire night by making bonfire biscuits and we created fireworks pictures using chalk. We discussed why people in England celebrate Bonfire Night and it was interesting to learn about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.

Image result for santa clipart    Our Christmas Celebrations   Image result for santa clipart

During December, we have been very busy getting ready for Father Christmas.

At Bankfields, we have had several Reception and whole school events to celebrate Christmas, including Santa’s Grotto, Christmas Dinner, a Christmas fair, a Christmas Craft Afternoon and a Christmas party!



White Section

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