Welcome To Year 5 and 6
Hello and welcome to Year 5 and 6. On this page you will find information relating to your child’s year group. We will update this information regularly with what we have all been doing in Year 5 and 6.
The teaching staff in Year 5 and Year 6
Mrs Lee, Miss Kelly, Miss McIlvenny Miss Quinn and Mrs Murray
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Walker

Useful Information
Useful Information
- Y6 PE day is a Wednesday and Y5 PE Day is a Friday. PE Kit includes a Bankfields Blue PE T-Shirt, jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts and trainers
- This year, the children will be learning how to play the violin in music on a Thursday afternoon.
- Art will be taught on a Friday for Y6 and a Wednesday for Y5 pupils.
- Children will be provided with their yellow record and AR book on a Monday. The record and book must be handed back in on a Friday with a quiz score recorded inside. Children will be encouraged to select a reading book for pleasure from the library loan section of our library or they will be welcome to read a book from home over the weekend. Homework will be posted on Seesaw every Friday and must be submitted by the following Friday. Children will receive their weekly spellings to learn via Spelling Frame on a Monday ready for Friday’s spelling test. Homework for other subjects may be given from time to time if it is deemed appropriate, and children will always be more than welcome to investigate or research subject areas of great interest to them personally across the curriculum at any time.
Autumn Term
Autumn term is a time for getting used to new things as the children move into their new year groups. During the term, pupils will meet new challenges and extend and build upon learning from their previous year groups. Autumn term ends with our many Christmas celebrations, where the children will also have the opportunity to take part in a Christmas show.
Autumn Term Topics
- Y5 History- Crime and Punishment
- Y5 Geography- The River Tees
- Y5 Science- Earth and Space and Forces
- Y6 History- World War Two
- Y6 Geography- Coastal Erosion
- Y6 Science- Living Things and their Habitats and Animals Including Humans
Spring Term
Spring term is a time for making fantastic progress now that the children are fully established in their year groups.
Spring Term Topics
- Y5 History- Ancient Egypt
- Y5 Geography- Egypt
- Y5 Science- Properties and Changes of Materials
- Y6 History- The Maya
- Y6 Geography- World Biomes
- Y6 Science- Evolution and Inheritance
Summer Term
Summer term is a time for preparing the pupils for their next new adventure in their learning journeys.. As we begin to prepare for our pupils moving on to new year groups and even new schools, they will take part in end of year assessments, sporting events, transition activities and trips. We always finish the year with our special leavers’ show, school prom and awards ceremony to celebrate the end of primary school for the year six pupils.
Summer Term Topics
- Y5 History- The Tudors
- Y5 Geography- Renewable Energy
- Y5 Science- Living Things and their Habitats and Animals Including Humans
- Y6 History- Ancient Greece
- Y6 Geography- The Americas
- Y6 Science- Electricity and Light

Look at what we have been learning in Year 5 and Year 6!