
Mrs Gatenby – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Ward- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Bennett – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Lee – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Johnson – Attendance and Welfare Officer

Mrs Hamilton – Office Manager and Attendance Monitoring

Mrs White – SENDCO

Mrs Gatenby Designated Safeguarding Lead & The Designated Teacher for Looked after & Previously Looked after Children
Mrs Ward
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Bennett
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Lee
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Johnson Attendance & Welfare Office
Mrs Hamilton
Office Manager & Attendance Monitoring
Mrs White

Contact Information

If you are worried about a child or young person, and feel they are at risk of being abused, neglected or at risk of being harmed, please contact: 

Redcar & Cleveland Multi Agency Children’s Hub (MACH) Telephone –  01642 130 700

Email –

The Multi Agency Children’s Hub (MACH) is a partnership between Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, Cleveland Police and Health Partners.

If you have concerns about an adult who works with children or young people please contact:

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is based in the MACH Team.

Redcar & Cleveland Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Telephone – 01642 130700


Early Help

Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any stage in a child’s life, from the foundation years through to the teenage years. Bankfields Primary School and In Redcar and Cleveland, we will work together to ensure that children, young people, and their families receive the right help as early as possible to support them to thrive and fulfil their dreams.

An Early help referral form will be completed with parent/carers consent, once a referral has been received, this will be considered by the Redcar and Cleveland MACH Manager and if they feel it is appropriate for early help support, it will then be forwarded to the Early Help Coordinator Team to consider which Local Authority or partner service would be best placed to meet the child and family’s needs.

The Early Help Coordinator will contact the family and the referrer to discuss the worries and gain more information wherever possible.

If you are a parent who would like to talk to someone about Early Help Support, please ring 01642 130680.

Child Protection

The safety and well-being of the children in our care is always our highest priority. The school has a clear policy for Child Protection which is available to parents on request. All staff receive regular training to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse.

Any concerns regarding child protection in school can be discussed with the

Mrs E Gatenby  01642 453157 , the nominated teacher for Child Protection.


CPOMS stands for Child Protection Online Monitoring System and is used by school for monitoring child protection, safeguarding and pastoral welfare issues.

All the adults who work within Whale Hill Primary School provide a safe and secure environment for children to learn and make good progress, while teaching them to recognise risks in different situations and how to protect themselves and stay safe.  We invite a range of services to come into school to deliver assemblies and workshops so that the children know who they are able to talk to (inside and outside of school) if ever they have any worries or concerns.

Events in School to Promote Safeguarding

All of the adults who work at Bankfields Primary School provide a safe and secure environment for children to learn and make good progress, while teaching them to recognise risks in different situations and how to protect themselves and stay safe. 

Cleveland Police work with the children regularly delivering sessions around Anti-Social Behaviour, Anti-Bullying, Online Safety, Hate Crime, Road Safety, Good Citizenship and many more. Other agencies, such as Cleveland Fire Brigade and health professionals, come into school to deliver assemblies and workshops so that the children know how to keep themselves safe and who they are able to talk to (inside and outside of school) if ever they have any worries or concerns.

Each year, our children all participate in the The NSPCC ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ programme. This is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help children understand abuse in a child-friendly and age-appropriate way, so they can get help if or when they need it. The NSPCC programme helps the children understand and identify a trusted adult they can talk to if they’re ever worried about themselves or a friend. They also learn about Childline, and how it offers support to children.

Understanding young minds – LSCB

To help parents LSCB have launched a free online course that provides information on how to sensitively talk to your children about self-harm and tactics for increasing mental resilience.

If you’d like to start your free course, please click the link below. Alternatively, if you want to delve more into the statistics behind self-harm and discover free resources that you can share with your friends and family, please download LSCB’s self-harm resource pack.

Resource nameResource
Start your free course linkClick here
CSE Parents Free Course PDFClick here


Once the children are safely in school on a morning and after lunch, all outside doors are locked to prevent access by anyone from the outside. This is to ensure your children’s safety whilst in the school building. If you need to enter either building at any time during the school day, please report to the main office first.  As you leave, please make sure doors are secured behind you. In case of emergency, all staff can open all doors from the inside.

School Gates

The security gates at the front of the school premises remain closed but locked throughout the school day whilst staff are on the premises.   All gates are locked in the evening. The rear pedestrian gate is open from 8.00am until 9.15am and from 3.00pm until 3.40pm to allow access to and from school. It is also unlocked but supervised to allow pupils attending after school clubs to leave by the rear exit. At all other times, the rear gate is kept locked to prevent unauthorised access.

The Reception play area gates are kept locked whilst in use to guarantee the safety of the younger children but are open for access around the West building before and after school.

School Crossing Patrol

School crossing patrols are on duty at

  • Bankfields Road (near the shops)  8.30-9.15am and 3.10-3.40pm
  • Jubilee Road                                    8.30-9.15am and 3.10-3.45pm

The entrance to the school is clearly marked with’ no parking’ restrictions and parents bringing their children to school by car are asked to pay regard to the markings to avoid using the school drive as a turning point. Please do not bring cars past the pinch point in the road. It is unsafe to turn in this area when pedestrians are about.

As part of our School Travel Plan targets, we ask parents to avoid bringing children to school by car whenever possible and promote walking for its health and environmental benefits.

Collecting Children from School

We understand that occasionally emergencies occur and are unavoidable, which may mean that you are a little late collecting your child from school.  If this is the case, we ask that you contact school at the earliest opportunity.

When collecting children from school, we kindly ask that you do not bring your vehicles into the main car park.  This can cause safeguarding issues whilst children are walking around and leaving the school grounds.

Your child’s safety and well-being are our main concern, so we follow the Local Authority recommendation that primary age pupils may only be collected by responsible people aged 16 years and over. Please keep the class teacher informed of any changes in your collection arrangements.

Illness and Injury

In the event of a child being ill or injured at school, parents will be contacted as soon as possible so the child can be collected from school. For this system to work effectively, it is essential that the school office has an up to date record of contact names, addresses and telephone numbers. You will have already completed an information sheet with these details on. Please let us know straight away if there are any changes.


All children are seen by the school nurse soon after they start school. The school nurse and the dental service carry out health screening on groups at various ages in their school career.

If parents have health concerns about their child they can speak to the school nurse in confidence. Please contact the school office if you wish to meet with or speak to the school nurse.


Class teachers cannot be responsible for administering medication to children. If it is essential that your child needs to receive prescribed medication during the school day, please bring it in the original container with the chemist’s label to the main office. It must be clearly marked with the child’s name and the dosage.  You will be asked to complete a Medication Administration Form.

Children who use inhalers must keep these in the classroom so they are accessible when needed. A spare inhaler may be kept in the main office, again clearly labelled.

Please note that no medication can be administered to the nose or eyes by staff.

Please click link below to read our Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and Administration of Medicines Policy.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and Administration of Medicines Policy

Bankfields Primary School is a no smoking site. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the school premises by staff, parents, visitors or community users.

Safeguarding Policies

Bankfields Child Protection Policy Download
Safeguarding PolicyDownload
The Prevent DutyDownload
Medicine PolicyDownload
No Smoking PolicyDownload
Safeguarding LeafletDownload
Keeping Children Safe in EducationDownload
Whistleblowing Download
Stay Safe On LineDownload
Online Safety Leaflet for Parents Download
Intimate Care PolicyDownload
Safer Use of ICT Policy Download
Children In Our Care PolicyDownload
Working Together to Safeguard Children Download
Teaching Online Safety in Schools Download
Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools Download
Children Missing from Education Download
Elective Home Education Guidance for Local Authorities Download
Bankfields Equality, Diversity CC PolicyDownload
 Recruitment and Selection policyDownload
Bankfields EYFS Safeguarding policy Download




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