What we have been learning about

Summer Term 2-

This Half Term we have been learning about…

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In our final half term, we have continued to learn about life on the farm. We have found out about the role of a scarecrow on the farm and made our own class scarecrows called Steve and Bella! Also, we have listened to ‘The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza’ and made our own pizzas.


It was Sport’s Week this half term and the children have been very busy keeping fit and healthy. Although, they still had time to enjoy an Art Session with Mrs Barker and they made Oddie Sock puppets. Rosie had fun making Doctor Oddie, Jack made Hulk Oddie, Evie made Princess Oddie and Nathan made Footballer Oddie.

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The children used lots of different materials to make their Oddie sock puppets and they had to think carefully about the shape, colour and size of each part.

Summer Term 1-

This Half Term we have been learning about…

Farm 3 Farms and Growing Farm 3
This half term we have been learning about life on a farm. We have discussed who works on a farm, different farm animals and food from a farm. We started this exciting topic with a school trip to Big Sheep Little Cow!
Big Sheep Little Cow                                                           

Why don’t you ask about what we saw and what we did on our trip?



This summer term, the children have been very busy in all areas of learning.

Alfie has enjoyed learning how to measure the length or height of an object using cubes. He and the other children could compare two or three objects using the words longest, shortest and tallest. The children have also learnt how to use a balance to measure the weight of different objects and compare them.

The children have learnt a lot about carrying out scientific investigations. Jacob has used magnets to test different materials to find out if they were ‘magnetic’ or ‘non-magnetic’. The children had to make sensible predictions about what they thought the answer would be before using the magnets. Also, the children have been very excited to observe the changes to food when left out and talk about the process of decay.

Evie and Petal have been using a Beebot device, programing instructions to make it travel in different directions. Oliver and his friends have been really helpful making signs for the classroom to help us and our visitors. Kenley enjoyed carrying out a tally chart to find out his friends favourite superhero.



This half term we have been learning about different forms of transport, in particular transport which helps us. We have also discussed different kinds of journeys and how we would get there, e.g. by bus, aeroplane or train.

Why don’t you ask us how we could get to Redcar Beach? (By aeroplane? Train? Bus?)

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 To start our exciting new topic Miss Bennett and Miss Turnbull asked us to ride our bikes and scooters or push our prams to school! We discussed the similarities and differences between a bike, a scooter and a pram. For example, we know a bike has two wheels but a scooter can have three wheels.
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Bankfields Bus Station is open for business! Oliver has enjoyed being the bus driver, asking his passengers where they would like to go. Petal asked Oliver if she could go to MacDonald’s.
The Crocodile Group have been busy learning how to use a ‘BeeBot’. They had to programme instructions to help him travel around a racing track, from the starting line to the finishing line.
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During this half term, it was Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th Birthday!
We celebrated by having an afternoon tea party. We made sandwiches, decorated cakes and played party games.

Spring Term 2-

This Half Term we have been learning about…

 VHCtmp632767158568353792  The Very Hungry Caterpillar  caterpillar
We have listened to the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and it’s been fun learning the days of the week.

We have been busy making life cycle wheels, writing sentences about the story and creating our own symmetrical patterns.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Ask us about the stages in a butterflies life cycle. We have been learning what cocoon, metamorphosis and pupa means.  

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Nathan, Rosie and Jacob have made their own symmetrical butterflies using everyday objects. Look how both sides of the butterfly are the same!
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Evie is busy using the interactive whiteboard to play a game. She and the other children have enjoyed completing the symmetrical patterns.
The children have been learning about how to create a symmetrical ladybirds and crafting their own Hungry Caterpillars by linking paper together to make a paper chain.
Petal, Lucas and Eboney have spent a lot of time this half term using pegs and boards to create their own repeating and symmetrical patterns.




 We began our magnificent ‘Minibeasts’ topic with a bug hunt outside in our Reception Outdoor Area.
A bug hunt.

Why don’t you ask us what we found? We were also given two tasks on our bug hunt, why don’t you ask us what we had to do?

 The children worked together and used magnifying glasses to search for minibeasts.
The children have recorded their own information videos using an ipad. They were very interested in their friends videos, that they asked to watch them on the interactive whiteboard!
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The children were very keen to carry on learning about bugs. Owen, Theo and Frankie found information books about minibeasts in the story corner. Also, Toby and the Olly have enjoyed watching a slug race to see which one would win!
Just before our Easter Holidays Ruby, Charlie, Alicia and Hallie enjoyed halving and quartering hot cross buns following a maths lesson.

Spring Term 1-

This Half Term we have been learning about…

 New Image The Tiger Who Came To Tea  tiger4
We have listened to the story of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ and we had to retell the story using a story map.
The Tiger Who Came To Tea 

Why don’t you ask us to tell you the story? – We will show you the story map actions for: ‘Once upon a time’, next, afterwards, the end etc.


Nathan has been busy matching patterns to the correct animals.
Finley and the other children have made tiger masks, using paper plates and tissue paper to make a stripy pattern.
Frankie and Toby have made their own plate of food using playdough, simple tools and cutters.
Hallie, Theo and Olly have been busy making a ‘den’ for a tiger. They have used bricks to create a wall, a bed and a hiding place for the tigers to sleep.
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Class 1 and Class 2 went on a visit to Tesco’s to see how the bakers made bread, how the tills worked at the check out and the different counters in the supermarket.
Phoebe has been busy as a chef, making a delicious meal for her customers.
The children have had fun dipping different kinds of fruit into paint to make their own colourful pattern. Evie has chosen a lemon to create her pattern.
 Speech bubble 2Tom’s Cafe

We visited Tom’s Cafe this half term. Why don’t you ask us what happened?



 Handa’s Surprise

We have listened to the story, Handa’s Surprise and it’s been tricky learning the names of those fruits, e.g. guava or avocado.

We have been busy matching the animals to the correct fruit they stole in the story and writing about our favourite food, using our key words in sentences.

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Why don’t you ask us what happened at the end of the story because Handa’s basket was empty before reaching Akeyo, her friend.


 Eboney and the other children have explored our Handa’s Surprise story sack to help them retell the story.
 Mrs Roberts has helped Chloe and the other children make their own fruit kebabs. A fun way to learn about unusual fruits and enjoy a healthy snack!
 Alicia has painted different fruit from the story. She has looked carefully at their shape, size and colour.
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Rosie, Sophie, Jack and Liliy Mae have created a home for Handa. They remembered Handa’s house was made from mud and straw.




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