At Bankfields Primary school, we aim to promote a child-led curriculum so that children can investigate for themselves, be creative and foster a love of learning in Science. All children are encouraged to be independent learners and understand that in Science we need to be resilient to find proven conclusions. This may be done through carrying out investigations, experimenting with a broad range of equipment and working collaboratively on group tasks. We aim for children to understand that the world we live in is built with Science at its core. Children are given the opportunity to broaden their scientific vocabulary with the use of the science dictionary. We inspire children to set themselves high aspirations from communication with the wider community including STEM ambassadors and a range of visitors within the local area. Our children ask questions and are curious about the world through having an understanding of how significant scientists have had an impact on the world today. Science shows children how they can have an impact on improving our quality of life. By the end of their primary journey, we want our children to be excited and engaged with Science and move onto secondary school with a vision of how they can help to improve our world.
Science in action!