Christmas Fair Donations Letter
Dear Parent/Carer
We are hosting our annual Christmas Fair at Bankfields Primary School on Thursday 5 December 2019.
Our school relies on the generosity of our parents to help make it a successful fundraising event. We therefore kindly ask if you are able to donate to the school towards the following stalls:-
Bottles & Bottle Bags
Cakes and Treats
Raffle Prizes
Cup Stall (Cups have been sent home with your child, if you require another cup they are available from the school office.)
All donations can be dropped off at the school office and we would appreciate it if we could receive them by Friday 29 November 2019 at the very latest.
Your generosity helps us to raise funds to further improve our children’s education and enables the school to provide different experiences that enrich the children’s lives.
We thank you in advance for your kindness and continuous support of the children at Bankfields Primary School.
Kind regards
Mrs P Petrie