About Us

The school has two buildings known as the East Building and the West Building. The main office and the Headteacher’s office are located in the West Building.
The Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Year 4 children are based in the West Building. The Y5 and Y6 team plus the Nursery are based in the East Building.
The school is organised into four teams –
- Mrs C Ward Foundation Stage (EYFS and KS1 lead)
- Mr P Bennett Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4)
- Mrs K Lee Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6)
Each team is led by a senior member of staff.
Children in every team benefit from the extra support provided by teaching assistants. There is a high level of staffing in the Early Years team to ensure the particular needs of the younger pupils are fully met.
On entry to school each child is placed in a mixed ability class in the care of a class teacher. The class teacher is responsible for the learning and pastoral care of the children in his/her class. If you wish to talk about any aspect of your child’s development, the class teacher is usually the first point of contact.