Through the teaching of PSHRE (Personal, Social, Health, Relationships, Economic), there is a strong focus on wellbeing where the children are encouraged to consider what mental and physical wellbeing means. A variety of activities teach children the importance of their wellbeing and provides strategies to look after themselves whilst encouraging them to develop resilience when facing the rapidly changing challenges of everyday life.
Children’s high aspirations within the classroom and beyond the school environment are supported through teaching within PSHRE sessions, but also through initiatives such as Skills Builder sessions, Thrive and visits from the Community Police Officer. Children are also given the opportunity to explore a wealth of different careers throughout their time in Bankfields, including some that perhaps they had not considered before.
PSHRE allows the children to learn different strategies which enables them to deal with problems in a variety of ways, including how to stay safe online, identifying positive (healthy) and negative relationships and drugs education. Children are encouraged to ask questions, communicate and collaborate effectively so they have the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens.