Reception Home Learning Pack
Week Beginning 20.4.20
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and staying safe!
Our New Home Learning pack is ready for you to pick up at the school office!
Our new topic this half term is ‘The Farm’ and our story is ‘The Little Red Hen’. You will find lots of activities to complete both in the pack and on line.
Video clips, stories/e-books, power points, games and activities can be found on the Twinkl website and on the Espresso site: : Espresso
Username: student163
Password : Bankfields
Look in the Foundation area on both sites.
For Maths (as well as completing the activities in the pack) you can also access online resources :White Rose materials, which are really good. Log on each day to the website and choose the early years reception page. All books can be found on YouTube by typing in the title and author.
Time Table
Each day try to complete a Maths activity, English/writing activity / Phonics activity and 15 minutes reading.
First and foremost, we want you to keep safe and well. Listen carefully to the advice given by professionals and follow their instructions carefully. Try to complete the above work with your child if you are able to. For the majority of the work please use the work book / sheets provided so it can be marked when we get back to school. If you have any questions please contact school and we will help and support however we can.
Use this time to have fun with your family! Stay safe, Be creative, Have fun, be kind, Be thankful. We will all be back together soon. Xx
Power point:
- Animals on the farm
- Farm animals : What am I?
- On the Farm : Animal homes
- Hen Life cycle
- Where does food come from?
- Hatching chick – video
Story e books:
- Grandads Farm
- The Little Red Hen
Youtube Video : story books
- The Little Red Hen
- The Scarecrows Wedding
- Farmer Duck
- Four Ways Farm – science activities linked to story.
- People who help us – The Farmer
- Resource Box -Harvest and food
- Understanding the World – New life
All the above can be found in the foundation stage area and have video clips and activities.
It seems that the free pass onto the TWINKL website is no longer available for parents to access. You will find video clips, activities and resources linked to our topic on ESPRESSO – This is free to use. Please contact school if you need any support with home learning or if you require any further packs.
Thank you