Religious Education
Through the teaching of RE and the cultural enrichment it provides, the children have the opportunity to learn about the world beyond Bankfields and the different religious faiths locally, nationally and worldwide. Children are encouraged to ask questions and explore religions including Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Using religious stories, artefacts and visits, children are developing their curiosity and a love of learning about the world around them.
Children’s high aspirations within the classroom and beyond the school environment are supported through teaching within RE sessions, but also through visits to places of worship during their time in Bankfields. Children have the opportunities to visit a mosque, a Christian church and a Hindu temple, whilst visitors are also welcomed into school to work alongside our children.
Enquiry based questions in RE support the children to develop their oracy skills as they communicate and collaborate effectively to answer them whilst asking their own questions. Through exploring a variety of religious beliefs and views, we encourage respect, understanding and tolerance of those with different faiths.