Pupil Leadership and Responsibilities
School Council
At Bankfields Primary school, the children’s voices are held in very high regards. Our school council has members throughout the school, who are tasked with the important job of relaying the views of their fellow classmates to make direct changes across school.
As school councillors, the children have a number of duties, including attending regular meetings to discuss improvement opportunities, organising school-wide events and representing school at public events in the local community. The children take a high level of pride in this role as they are nominated by their peers to be their class representative on our school council.
School Prefects
Here at Bankfields Primary School, pupils in Y6 are offered the opportunity to take on the role of prefect. Our prefects take on leadership roles around school and set wonderful examples of good behaviour and citizenship. They are always on hand to guide our younger pupils into assembly, to remind others how to walk sensibly around school and to hand out golden tokens to reward other pupils across school. Our prefects attend termly meetings and share their ideas for improvement in assemblies.

Head Boys and Head Girls
We a have a Head Boy and Head Girl from each Y6 class, who are regularly called upon to represent our school, hand out certificates in assembly or to talk to visitors about their learning experiences in school.

Year 6 Librarians
We have an amazing set of Y6 librarians, who take care of our library. Our reading ambassadors help to keep our book shelves and AR book boxes tidy and organised to ensure that they are easily accessible for all. They offer book recommendations to other pupils and help to process new books when they arrive in school.

Digital Leaders
Our digital leaders play a vital role at Bankfields by managing and organising iPads, assisting peers with technology, and promoting online safety through valuable advice and guidance.