School Meals
The school is committed to promoting healthy eating as part of our Personal, Social and Health education programme. Our school meals are an important way of presenting children with a range of healthy but appealing food options.
The school meal service is provided by a Mellors. Further information on our catering provider can be found here – Meals are prepared on site and served in the West hall using a cafeteria system. The school cook and the kitchen staff provide a very high standard of midday meal. There is always a choice of menu including a vegetarian dish and sandwiches, plus an excellent salad bar. Packed lunches are also provided when children go on school visits.
Dinner money payments should be made through ParentMail. School is now a cash free school.
Free School Meals
All Reception and Key Stage 1 children are entitled to a free school meal.
A free school meal is provided to some Key Stage 2 children by reason of the parent’s income level in accordance with scales laid down by the local education authority. Children receiving free school meals are not distinguished from those who pay.
If you think your child may be entitled to free meals please contact the school or complete our online free school meal form 95% of applications get an immediate response regarding eligibility after completing the application. Others may need additional verification.
Part of the school budget is allocated according to the number of pupils entitled to a free school meal. Therefore, please apply if you think your child may be entitled to free meals, even if you do not wish them to take their free meal.
The school receives funding in the form of a Pupil Premium, based on the number of pupils entitled to a free school meal, to narrow the gap in attainment of pupils from financially less advantaged backgrounds. This funding is used for
- Additional teachers to provide extra support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities
- Teaching assistants in each team to support teaching and learning of children of all abilities
- After school booster classes for year 6 pupils
- 1:1 teaching for identified pupils of all abilities Additional assessments.
Therefore it is very important that families apply for Free Meals if they think they may be eligible, even if they do not wish their child to actually take the meal.
Packed Lunches
If you wish your child to have a packed lunch, please support our health education programme by encouraging your child to eat healthily, e.g. include fresh fruit and vegetables, avoid high fat and high salt contents. Please do not include sweets or chocolate bars or Nuts or anything containing nuts in packed lunches as school is now a NUT FREE school. Children bringing a packed lunch must bring it in a named lunchbox.
Children do not need to a bring drink with their packed lunch as water is provided for all children. If a healthy drink is brought children are expected to pour it into a cup or drink through a straw; drinking from bottles is not allowed at a table. Fizzy drinks are not permitted. No bottles, cans or flasks are allowed.
If you wish to change your child’s meal pattern, e.g. change from packed lunch to school meals, a week’s notice must be given at the main office as food is ordered a week in advance and staffing levels in the kitchen depend on the number of school meals ordered.
The children are supervised at lunchtime by Supervisory Assistants under the direction of the Headteacher.