At Bankfields Primary School, our science curriculum is designed to inspire high aspirations, nurture resilience, develop curiosity and a love of learning. We promote a child-led approach, encouraging children to investigate independently, be creative and take ownership of their learning journey. Through hands-on investigations, experimentation with a variety of equipment, and collaborative group work, children develop a resilient mindset by understanding that perseverance is key to reaching proven conclusions.
We aim for all children to recognise that science underpins the world around us, enriching their understanding and appreciation of its impact. Opportunities to broaden scientific vocabulary, including the use of science dictionaries, empower children to communicate effectively and confidently in scientific contexts. Engagement with STEM ambassadors, local community members, and inspiring visitors helps our children to set ambitious goals and see the real-world applications of their learning.
By exploring the contributions of significant scientists and asking thoughtful questions, our children develop a deep curiosity about the world. They come to see how they, too, can make meaningful contributions to improving quality of life through science. By the end of their primary journey, we aim for every child to be excited, engaged, and prepared to continue their scientific exploration in secondary school, with a vision of how they can help shape and improve our world.