Welcome To Nursery

Hello and Welcome to Nursery. On this page you will find information relating to your child’s year group. We will update this information regularly with what we have all been doing in Nursery.

The Teaching Staff in Nursery

Mrs Tilling (Teacher)

Mrs Kerrison (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Kidd (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Tilling

Mrs Kerrison
Mrs Kidd

Useful Information

Please can we ask that all children’s clothing is labelled with their name as we understand it can be frustrating when items are misplaced and not returned. Parents, please can you let staff or the office know if someone different is picking your child up as staff will only let your child leave with named adults (18 or over). It is useful to leave a bag of spare clothes on your child’s peg in case any accidents happen whilst in the setting. We do have some spare if required. Please can adults ensure children are wearing appropriate footwear as children will be outside on bikes and the climbing frame. Children go outside on a daily basis in most weathers therefore please provide a warm coat in cooler weather and sun hats and sun cream already on children in the warmer weather.


Children will be encouraged to select a reading book for pleasure from the Nursery library loan section. Book bags can be returned to Nursery on Mondays and Fridays. Your child will choose a book with a member of staff and bring it home for you to share with your child. Please can adults complete the reading record so that prizes can be allocated for every ten books read. Homework activities will be posted on Seesaw every Friday morning and marked the following Tuesday. Activities will be related to our current themes. We always try and make activities as engaging and family orientated as possible.

Take a look at what we have been up to in Nursery!


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