Welcome To Year 1

Hello and Welcome to Year 1. On this page you will find information relating to your child’s year group. We will update this information regularly with what we have all been doing in Year 1.
The Teaching Staff in Year 1
Mrs Forde – Class 2
Mrs Bunn- Class 3
Mrs Harding – Teaching Assistant

Topics we are learning about this term
Spring 2 – Transport Through Time
Summer 1 & 2– Dinosaurs
- Y1 Geography- Seasons & Climates
- Y1 Science – Seasons & Senses
- Y1 DT – Structures
- Y1 Science- Plants
- Y1 History- Dinosaurs
- Y1 DT- Mechanisms
Useful Information
Y1 PE day is a Monday.
Children are asked to attend school in their PE kits on their PE day. PE Kit uniform is a Bankfields Blue T-Shirt, Jogging Bottoms, Leggings or Shorts and Trainers.
Y1 Reading
Please return your child’s reading book bag on a Friday morning. We will change the reading books and return their book bags to you on a Monday.
Reading– The Y1 children will be given a Sounds-Write book, which will include an activity linked to the key sound in the given book. We encourage the children to read their book at least three times a week to build up their fluency and love of reading.
Math and English Home Work – Homework will be given out on a Friday and to be returned the following week.

Take a look at what we have been up to in Year 1!