Welcome To Year 3 and 4
Hello and Welcome to Year 3 and 4. On this page you will find information relating to your child’s year group. We will update this information regularly with what we have all been doing in Year 3 and 4.
The Teaching Staff in year 3 and 4 are:
Mr Bennett – Year 2/3/4 Team Leader and Year 4 Class teacher
Mr McLoughlin – Year 3 Teacher
Miss Dunlop – Year 3 Teacher
Mrs Brearley – Teaching Assistant
Mrs Main – Teaching Assistant

Year 3
Last term, the Year 3 children had the chance to learn about the Romans. They spent time gathering information on their settlements, the society and their army.
Within Geography, the children explored the River Ganges in India. They found out all about the river’s importance and how the geographical zone is affected by monsoons.
English lessons have given the children the chance to read and enjoy a range of myths and legends. This has allowed the children to use their creative writing skills to produce some wonderful pieces.
Finally, DT and Art sessions has taken the theme of India and brought it alive. The children have used different watercolours and drawing techniques to paint the Taj Mahal. In small groups, they also had the chance to build a model of the infamous structure.
Year 4
Over the most recent term, the children within Year 4 have had a fantastic time at school. They have learnt a wealth of new skills, content and had a range of wonderful experiences. Some of the most notable have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons in History, designing their own juggling balls in design and technology, recording their own podcasts in computing and performing gymnastic routines in PE.
Within English, the children have had the opportunity to explore and learn about a range of different fantasy narratives, poems and explanation texts. As always, the children were then supported to create their own wonderful pieces. Maths sessions have continued to build the children’s core understanding of number through place value and the four operations. It has been great to see the children build their confidence within session and tackle a range of challenging problems. In addition, the children have conducted a range of different scientific experiments to learn about different states of matter.
In order to enrich the curriculum further, the children have also had educational visits, special visitors and unique sessions offered to them. Some of the most notable have been a bespoke invasion games development day delivered by the Sports Partnership, a sound walk investigation around school grounds, after-school yoga sessions and a Christmas Carol service performance at a local care home.
Useful Information
Start Time – 8:40am Finish Time – 3:20pm
The children are able to wear their sports clothes to school on PE days. PE Kit includes a Bankfields blue PE T-Shirt, jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts and trainers. Please ensure that your child has suitable clothing for outdoor PE sessions, as we will be utilising the outdoor space as much as we possibly can. Our PE sessions will take place with Mr Sidgwick on the following days:
Tuesday – Year 4 PE Thursday – Year 3 PE
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for primary schools in the 2022/23 academic year. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. The test will take place in June for all pupils in Year 4, and will test their ability to recall their times tables (12X12). Although the children will be working hard within school to prepare for the test, we would always appreciate any additional practice at home throughout the year. Our interactive TT Rockstars software is great tool for this. Additionally, the children will practice weekly using the following mock test link (also posted to Seesaw) – https://urbrainy.com/mtc
Online Learning
Children will continue to have access to our specialised online learning platforms at home such as TT Rockstars, AR, PurpleMash and Espresso. We will remind all children of all their login details in school if required.
Homework and Reading
All pupils will receive English/Maths (including spellings) homework weekly and it is very important that all children take responsibility for their own homework, completing it to the best of their ability and returning it on time. We will continue setting homework remotely on Seesaw rather than giving the children paper copies. This is to support the children in managing their homework effectively and to avoid lost worksheets/books etc. As teachers, we are able to quickly see all homework tasks as they are completed. This method has worked extremely well over recent years, and we have found that teachers can more effectively mark homework in class with the children. If your child is struggling with a device or finding homework particularly challenging, please let the class teacher know.
During school time, teachers run homework clubs at playtimes to support children with their homework. Some children find completing homework during this time with their teacher.
All homework must be completed on Seesaw by Thursday. It is important that homework is returned on time as it will then be reviewed in the lesson with the children the following day so that any misconceptions can be clarified. Homework for other subjects may be given from time to time if it is appropriate.
Reading Books and Home Reading
The children will be provided with a yellow home reading record and an AR book on a Monday and are asked to return their reading record and book on a Friday. During the week, we ask that children record the pages read in their reading record. We encourage all children to read at home at least three times per week.
Once your child has completed their book, we ask that they complete an AR quiz at home to test their comprehension. The children are familiar with this process and they can test by accessing the following link (also posted on Seesaw) – https://ukhosted87.renlearn.co.uk/2234217
We aim to develop a love of reading at Bankfields and we give our children lots of opportunities to read both at school and at home.Reading is also a core skill, and regular practice not only develops fluency but also a deeper understanding of what has been read.
Take a look at what we have been up to!